Friday, February 11, 2011

Green Smoothies


 This is what we have with breakfast, just about EVERY morning!
  • 2 Cups liquid, (we mostly use water, but sometimes we use a 100% juice of some sort)
  • about 10 oz Spinach leaves (you can use different greens but for beginners, spinach is easiest!)
  • 2-3 bananas
  • Whatever other fruit you have or want to use (we use a lot of "about to go bad fruit that we put in the freezer" fruit :)
  • oh yes, your blender!
  1. Fill your blender with your liquid and add your greens, blend on the "liquify" setting.when it looks fully incorporated turn off and look add more greens till the resting liquid level is between 3 and 4 cups.
  2. add your bananas and frozen/other fruit till your blender is full and happily green :)
  3. Serve 1 C for kids and 2 C for adults... this way you get a few servings of greens AND fruit before you've even really started your day!
The REVIEWS are in!

Of course my healthy eater is good with these, they just can't be too cold for her or she complains of brain freeze :)

We just taught him the thumbs up!

I don't worry too much about my picky eater because He is SOOOO good about drinking his smoothies every morning :)
Even my hubby is on board :)

You really can't mess this up, and if you have annnnnyyy questions PLEASE ask me! I get so tickled talking about these :)


I've been really into reading up on "Green diets" or Raw food diets and the best way to start your family on the way to that healthy eating style is through green smoothies. I first learned about it from and checked her book out of the library, then read "Green for Life" and have conflicting issues within my own desire for yummy food for emotional reasons ;) and my desire to live healthy and teach my children this important principal.

For now, we're on our way with our green smoothies! little by little!

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